
At BMS, we believe that reinforcing strategies between home and school is an important dynamic in educating the whole child. Here are some ways you can foster our ExPECT character skills at home.

Teamwork: Works with others to achieve a common goal

Why it’s important: People working in teams tend to learn more by their interactions with each other. Brainstorming sessions can help children view the same problem from different perspectives and arrive at the best possible solution. Additionally,  working in a team helps children practice appropriate social interaction and grown into more confident and social individuals who are comfortable in their own skin.

How it can be developed at home:

  • Cultivate the Home Team - It will speak volumes to your teen if you display teamwork in your home or work environment, or with any of your group extracurricular activities. Reflect on these experiences with your child and point out examples of how conflict is resolved, how team members work together, and your appreciation for each team member’s role.
  • Build Perspective - Teens usually have a tough time understanding another perspective. You can give them a chance to reflect on different points of view by questioning. For instance, questions like, “Why do you think he turned away?” or “Why do you think she made a face like that?”  or “how do you think he’s feeling?” If you ask questions like this, it will help the teen be mindful of others and build empathy.
  • Point out examples - Examples of teamwork in society abound. Point them out and ask questions. Give your child the opportunity to ask other adults about teamwork’s vital role in careers and society.