"Work Hard, Be Kind, Achieve" is our motto and the guiding light for everything we do at Basalt Middle School.
"Work Hard, Be Kind, Achieve" is our motto and the guiding light for everything we do at Basalt Middle School.
Basalt Middle School will ensure that EVERY student develops the enduring knowledge, skills, and character to thrive and contribute in a changing world.
Basalt Middle School's vision focuses on: 1.Climate and Culture: We are CREW not passengers. All will feel like they belong and are an important part of the BMS community. Students will exit BMS as compassionate individuals with a healthy mindset towards adversity and success and be intrinsically motivated as lifelong learners.
2.High Quality Instruction: All students will receive high quality engaging instruction that positively impacts their learning for growth and success.
3.Foster Family Engagement and share student learning
In order to meet our mission and vision, BMS will provide time and resources for learning, implementation, improvement, and collaboration to foster: 1.Climate and Culture. We will develop cohesive relationships among ALL students and staff and increase a sense of belonging while strengthening a growth mindset to achieve personal and academic success and build a strong sense of community. We will create authentic experiences that allow students to grow in executive skills, perseverance, enthusiasm, teamwork and compassion.
2.High Quality Instruction. We will strive for continuous improvement focused on the best implementation of the most effective strategies to promote student growth and achievement in content, critical thinking, and innovation.
3.Foster Family Engagement and share student learning. We will find ways to improve how we interact with and engage ALL BMS families.
Core Values that our students should consistently hear include:
• We don’t say “I can't.” We always add “YET” to the end. This is an example of Growth Mindset
• Work Hard, Be Kind, Achieve (Our Motto)
• Habits of a Scholar -- ExPECT: Executive Skills, Perseverance, Enthusiasm, Communication, Teamwork
The hallways and classrooms resound with this language as we strive every day to build a learning community that emphasizes the academics, core values, and character skills that students need to be effective 21st century learners.