Attendance at BMS

The first bell at 8:05 a.m. indicates students should head to class. At the 8:10 bell, all students should be in class. Attendance is taken at 8:10 daily. Students who are late to school must stop by the front office to get a Tardy pass to class. Students leaving for doctor appointments need to sign out at the front office.

Attendance at school is recognized as a key indicator of academic success, school engagement, student achievement and even high school graduation.

Pre-Arranged Absences

Prearranged absence forms must be filled out for planned absences from school of 1+ days. Students should pick up the form from the front office, bring to every teacher to sign, and submit form at least 3 days before absence to front office. Students have the number of days absent to complete missed homework, which teachers will note on this form. Contact the front office for details.