Get Involved

NEW this year, PEG is now part of Basalt Education Foundation and has a new name, School Liaison Committee (SLC). The SLC will continue with PEG priorities (teacher appreciation, school culture and belonging, extra funds for teachers and admin).

Please check out the Basalt Education Foundation (BEF) website to find out how you can help with different fundraising events. This foundation helps all three schools in the community.

The Basalt Education Foundation raises funds to enhance education in the Basalt public schools. Through the annual Taste of Basalt and the Roaring Fork Charity Classic golf tournament fundraisers, as well as generous corporate and community donations, BEF works directly with teachers and administrators to help the local elementary, middle and high schools deliver innovative, creative programming and experiences for every student.

Fundraising Opportunities

Fundraising support is always needed! Here are some easy ways you can help year-round.

The Taste of Basalt The Basalt Education Foundation organizes this fundraising event in the fall that supports all Basalt schools.

Turkey Trot

Registration for the 7th Annual Basalt Turkey Trot, presented by the Basalt Education Foundation, is LIVE! Come support Basalt Public Schools AND get a workout before you feast on Thanksgiving Day. Sign up at

The Scholastic Book Fair Buy books at the October Scholastic Book Fair through the BMS Library, either in person or online, and a portion of sales goes directly back to BMS to purchase new books at the library.

Band Boosters The band holds a variety of fundraisers throughout the year. Joy of Music celebration is our biggest fundraiser and is held at the end of the year with live music, auctions, and food sales. Contact the band boosters committee directors Rick Lofaro & Katie Hone Wiltgen or the Band director Chance Davis. Rick's contact information is or 970-379-9844. Katie's contact information is or 970-309-4530. Chance Davis

Donations are Welcome!

It takes a community to build a great school, and you can help donate in various ways.

The BMS Makerspace The BMS Makerspace is ALWAYS looking for donations of everything from building toys like Legos, Zometools, and blocks to robotics sets to recyclable items like cardboard tubes and cool packing shapes.

Requests from Teachers Watch in the Enewsletters for these special requests. The BMS weekly enewsletter often posts donation need requests from teachers.

Compassion in the Classroom As part of our Habits of a Scholar compassion initiative, classes, student council, and Crews often hold fundraisers or donation requests for other organizations. Keep an eye out on Facebook or in the enewsletters for these opportunities to donate.

Want to help organize a coat donation fundraiser or backpack program? Contact us!

Shop Till You Drop for BMS!

Support BMS with your shopping dollars! Little purchases do add up and help us support the student needs and programs so necessary to our school.

Shop City Market Sign up your City Market Card to earn money for BMS every time you shop for groceries. Register your card at in order to have funds go to Basalt Middle School. Be sure to designate BMS (#10032) as your organization of choice. You can also call 1-866-221-4141 if you'd rather not sign up online. Annual renewal is necessary.

Box Tops This program went digital and changed to a new app program only. Families can now earn money for BMS by scanning receipts rather than clipping box tops. Participants can download the new mobile app and scan their store receipt, which will automatically analyze which products were Box Tops items and calculate the amount that will be donated to their school of choice. Every box top is still worth 10 cents. Receipts MUST be scanned within 14 days of purchase. For more information and to download the app, visit:

Office Depot Shop for Back-to-School and office supplies at Office Depot using the BMS Code 70017034 and BMS receives up to 5% back.

Shop Amazon for the Basalt Education Foundation You can support Basalt students and the Basalt Education Foundation by signing up for and shopping through Amazon Smiles. Every time you purchase from Amazon through Amazon Smile, you generate donations for the charity of your choice. You can choose your charity right below the search bar, where it says "Supporting:" in orange letters.