The BMS school counselor offers individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom guidance to students. The counselor consults/collaborates with students, teachers, parents, administrators and community agencies.
Referrals for school counseling are accepted from students, parents, school staff, and community resources. The length of individual sessions is based on a student's need, but generally sessions don't exceed 30 minutes per meeting/session. Group counseling meetings generally are 30-45 minutes long for 4 to 6 weeks. School counseling is brief and students requiring long-term counseling will be referred to outside agencies.
There is not a fee associated with any school counseling services provided by the school counselor.
Individual Planning Individual planning for academic, career or personal/social needs is available all year to all students. Students may seek academic advising or support for personal/social concerns by coming to the school counselor office and/or teacher and parent referrals. Students are informed and reminded about the confidentiality statement (see below).
Small Group Support Small groups are need-based support or service learning opportunities with students experiencing similar concerns or interests. Based on referrals, student request and/or survey data, groups are created to meet the needs of students at BMS. Small groups are voluntary and typically meet once weekly for six to eight weeks.
Career Development In collaboration with the CREW Curriculum, a program for career development and future planning is under development.