Our PEAK program defines gifted learners as “those whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so exceptional or developmentally advanced that they require special provisions to meet their needs.”
**1) Cluster Groups- Our students on Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) are clustered in English Language Arts and math classes. Our PEAK coordinator provides classroom teachers with materials and professional development to provide the necessary rigor in these areas. **
2) Enrichment- The PEAK coordinator teaches an enrichment course that all fifth and sixth grade PEAK students are enrolled in. It meets twice a week for the entire school year.
3) Social Emotional Support- The PEAK coordinator pulls groups of students on ALPs in seventh and eighth grade during Crew in order to support their social emotional needs and help them understand what it means to be gifted.
Our learners on ALPs historically register high achievement compared to state averages, and many of their learning goals exceed the expectations of state standards. In math, most of our PEAK students enter high school prepared for coursework above the 9th grade level.
For more information, contact our PEAK Coordinator Sarah Beesley (970) 384-5874 or sbeesley@rfschools.com