In-School Activities
The BMS Makerspace
BMS debuted a state-of-the-art Makerspace in 2015. The space is open to students during lunch to explore a variety of rotating STEAM activities, including electric circuits, 3D printing, rockets, Legos, Minecraft, upcycling, tool use, games, and more. The space is also used to support class projects, Crew, after-school classes and evening programming.
BMS PEAK Program
BMS offers a gifted and talented program for qualifying students that includes in-class differentiation, social-emotional support, and extracurricular activities. For more information, click here.
Contact: Sarah Beesley at SBeesley@rfschools.com
BMS Enrichment & Specials Classes
Students in all four grades have a variety of enrichment classes options. Each student has four core classes (English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies), one enrichment or intervention core, and one specials core (Band, PE, Art, Spanish and Music). Enrichment is different for each grade level. Intervention classes are considered Enrichment as well and include ELA Lab or Math Lab.
BMS Student Garden
BMS is home to a small community garden that is planted and harvested by students. A new greenhouse opened in 2015 as well.
Contact: Ryan Bradley (rbradley@rfschools.com)
Annual Student Events
BMS Art Show In conjunction with the spring band concert, BMS fills the front lobby with art installations and exhibits. (Spring) Contact the BMS art teacher for details.
BMS Student Concerts The BMS Band hosts several concerts annually. Keep an eye on enewsletters and the calendar for more information.
Homecoming Longhorn Pride reaches a fevered pitch as middle school students join in to celebrate the high school’s homecoming spirit and game. Events include a parade through downtown Basalt, a pep rally, and band participation in Homecoming games. (Fall)
Honor Roll and Longhorn Pride Assemblies Students gather to honor the hard work and effort of students at the end of the first three quarters. For honor roll requirements, click here. Contact: Principal Jennifer Ellsperman, jellsperman@rfschools.com, 384-5901.
Kidsculpt BMS students are chosen to participate in Aspen’s Winterskol celebration each year by working as a team to design and sculpt a snow sculpture along with other regional middle schools. (January) Contact: the BMS Art Teacher
Scholastic Book Fair Students and parents are encouraged to peruse the latest middle school titles when the Scholastic Book fair comes to town in conjunction with first quarter Parent/Teacher conferences. (October) Contact: Librarian Beth Shand bshand@rfschools.com
Talent Show BMS musicians, comedians, magicians and more hit the stage at this annual Student Council-sponsored event. (Spring) Contact: the BMS Counselor
Field Day BMS’s field day is hosted by student council for all grades. (Spring). Contact: the BMS Counselor
Staff-Student 8th Grade Basketball Game Our annual student-staff basketball game is the Friday before spring break. 8th graders with good academic standing make up the student team. Students purchase challenges for their teachers to make the game fair and crazy costumes abound. All money raised goes to a local charity. (Spring). Contact: The BMS Counselor
Kate Keenan Memorial Mile Run All 8th Graders participate in this annual fun run from BMS to BHS representing the transition from middle school to high school. (Last week of school) Contact: Principal Ellsperman, jellsperman@rfschools.com, 384-5901
BMS Yearbook
Pictures taken from staff, students, and parents throughout the year are collected from school-wide events. Students can apply at the beginning of the year to be on the staff that designs and creates the annual yearbook.
For more information or to submit some photos for the yearbook please contact: Beth Shand, bshand@rfschools.com
BMS WEB Leaders
The BMS WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Leader program is for 8th grade students. Applications to join require peer recommendations and teacher recommendations. WEB leaders plan events like student orientation days, school spirit days, a field day, a talent show, Colorband Games, and more. WEB leaders also work with younger students to introduce them and make them feel welcome at BMS. (Year-round) Contact: Molly Tiernan, Mtiernan@rfschools.com Applications are typically due in the spring for the following year.